前面章节介绍了 Netflix Ribbon 的简单实例,本章节将根据上章节的实例来分析 Netflix Ribbon 执行流程。先看看 Demo 的 Java 代码:
package com.hxstrive.springcloud.ribbon_demo1; import com.netflix.client.ClientFactory; import com.netflix.client.http.HttpRequest; import com.netflix.client.http.HttpResponse; import com.netflix.config.ConfigurationManager; import com.netflix.niws.client.http.RestClient; public class Demo1 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception{ // 1.加载配置信息 ConfigurationManager.loadPropertiesFromResources("application.properties"); System.out.println(ConfigurationManager.getConfigInstance().getProperty("user.ribbon.listOfServers")); // 2.返回名称为 user 的 RestClient 客户端 // 注意:这里的名称是在 application.properties 文件中配置 ribbon 时的前缀 // user.ribbon.listOfServers=localhost:7001,localhost:7002,localhost:7003 // 上面配置中的 user 就是客户端名称 RestClient client = (RestClient) ClientFactory.getNamedClient("user"); // 3.构建指定 URL 的 HTTP 请求 HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder().uri("/info").build(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // 4.使用负载均衡算法发起 HTTP 请求 HttpResponse response = client.executeWithLoadBalancer(request); // 打印调用状态和结果 System.out.println("Status code for " + response.getRequestedURI() + " status:" + response.getStatus() + " entity: " + response.getEntity(String.class)); } } }
ConfigurationManager 主要用来做配置管理,loadPropertiesFromResources() 方法用于加载配置文件,并把配置信息写入 ConcurrentMapConfiguration,为后续的请求做准备。源码如下:
/** * Load properties from resource file(s) into the system wide configuration * @param path relative path of the resources * @throws IOException */ public static void loadPropertiesFromResources(String path) throws IOException { if (instance == null) { instance = getConfigInstance(); } ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Enumeration<URL> resources = loader.getResources(path); if (!resources.hasMoreElements()) { //non-existent config path. Throw an exception. Issue #150 throw new IOException("Cannot locate " + path + " as a classpath resource."); } while (resources.hasMoreElements()) { URL url = resources.nextElement(); InputStream fin = url.openStream(); Properties props = ConfigurationUtils.loadPropertiesFromInputStream(fin); // instance 类型为 ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration if (instance instanceof AggregatedConfiguration) { // 这里被执行 String name = getConfigName(url); // 解析配置 ConcurrentMapConfiguration config = new ConcurrentMapConfiguration(); config.loadProperties(props); // 将配置添加到配置列表中 ((AggregatedConfiguration) instance).addConfiguration(config, name); } else { ConfigurationUtils.loadProperties(props, instance); } } }
因为 instance 类型为 ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration,而 ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration 类又实现了 AggregatedConfiguration 接口,因此将执行 if(){} 语句,因为在 properties 中设置 user.ribbon.listOfServers=localhost:7001, localhost:7002, localhost:7003,那么会把 key=user.ribbon.listOfServers,value=localhost:7001, localhost:7002, localhost:7003 的配置项添加到ConcurrentMapConfiguration 的 map,其他配置项类似。
ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration.addConfiguration() 方法代码如下:
public class ConcurrentCompositeConfiguration extends ConcurrentMapConfiguration implements AggregatedConfiguration, ConfigurationListener, Cloneable { //... public void addConfiguration(AbstractConfiguration config, String name) { if (containerConfigurationChanged) { // 执行这里 addConfigurationAtIndex(config, name, configList.size()); } else { addConfigurationAtIndex(config, name, configList.indexOf(containerConfiguration)); } } /** * Add a configuration with a name at a particular index. * * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException */ public void addConfigurationAtIndex(AbstractConfiguration config, String name, int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { if (!configList.contains(config)) { checkIndex(index); // 将配置信息添加到配置列表 // private List<AbstractConfiguration> configList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<AbstractConfiguration>(); // 见调试图 configList.add(index, config); if (name != null) { namedConfigurations.put(name, config); } config.addConfigurationListener(eventPropagater); fireEvent(EVENT_CONFIGURATION_SOURCE_CHANGED, null, null, false); } else { logger.warn(config + " is not added as it already exits"); } } //... }
configList 变量用来存放所有的配置信息,如下图:
上图中,configList 变量包含了 6 种配置信息,分别是:
(2)SystemConfiguration:Java环境变量,例如:awt.toolkit、file.separator、java.version、java.ext.dirs 等等
(3)EnvironmentConfiguration:系统环境变量,例如:JAVA_HOM、PATH、OS、HOMEPATH 等等
(6)ConcurrentMapConfiguration:这个就是我们自己的配置信息,即 application.properties
上面实例中,使用如下语句获取 RestClient:
RestClient client = (RestClient) ClientFactory.getNamedClient("user");
上面代码通过 client name(这里是 user)来获取 RestClient 对象。源码如下:
/** * Return the named client from map if already created. Otherwise creates the client using the configuration returned by {@link #getNamedConfig(String)}. * 从map返回已命名的客户端(如果已创建)。否则,使用 getNamedConfig(String) 返回的配置创建客户端。 * @throws RuntimeException if an error occurs in creating the client. */ public static synchronized IClient getNamedClient(String name) { return getNamedClient(name, DefaultClientConfigImpl.class); } /** * Return the named client from map if already created. Otherwise creates the client using the configuration returned by {@link #createNamedClient(String, Class)}. * 从 map 返回已命名的客户端(如果已创建)。否则,使用 createNamedClient(String,Class) 返回的配置创建客户端。 * @throws RuntimeException if an error occurs in creating the client. */ public static synchronized IClient getNamedClient(String name, Class<? extends IClientConfig> configClass) { if (simpleClientMap.get(name) != null) { return simpleClientMap.get(name); } try { return createNamedClient(name, configClass); } catch (ClientException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create client", e); } } /** * Creates a named client using a IClientConfig instance created off the configClass class object passed in as the parameter. * 使用参数 configClass 类对象创建的 IClientConfig 实例创建命名客户端。 * @throws ClientException if any error occurs, or if the client with the same name already exists */ public static synchronized IClient createNamedClient(String name, Class<? extends IClientConfig> configClass) throws ClientException { IClientConfig config = getNamedConfig(name, configClass); return registerClientFromProperties(name, config); }
上面代码中,使用 getNamedConfig(name, configClass) 方法去创建 IClientConfig 对象,代码如下:
/** * Get the client configuration given the name or create one with clientConfigClass if it does not exist. An instance of IClientConfig * is created and {@link IClientConfig#loadProperties(String)} will be called. */ public static IClientConfig getNamedConfig(String name, Class<? extends IClientConfig> clientConfigClass) { // 根据指定的名称获取 IClientConfig,明显我们指定的客户端还没有被创建 IClientConfig config = namedConfig.get(name); if (config != null) { return config; } else { try { // 通过反射的方式创建 IClientConfig 配置对象 config = (IClientConfig) clientConfigClass.newInstance(); // 加载 name(当前为 user)为前缀的配置,然后替换默认配置 // 注意:在 loadProperties() 方法中,会先调用 loadDefaultValues() 方法去加载默认配置 config.loadProperties(name); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException e) { logger.error("Unable to create named client config '{}' instance for config class {}", name, clientConfigClass, e); return null; } config.loadProperties(name); IClientConfig old = namedConfig.putIfAbsent(name, config); if (old != null) { config = old; } return config; } }
最后,通过调用 ClientFactory 类的 registerClientFromProperties() 方法创建 IClient,代码如下:
/** * Utility method to create client and load balancer (if enabled in client config) given the name and client config. * Instances are created using reflection (see {@link #instantiateInstanceWithClientConfig(String, IClientConfig)} * * @param restClientName * @param clientConfig * @throws ClientException if any errors occurs in the process, or if the client with the same name already exists */ public static synchronized IClient<?, ?> registerClientFromProperties(String restClientName, IClientConfig clientConfig) throws ClientException { IClient<?, ?> client = null; ILoadBalancer loadBalancer = null; if (simpleClientMap.get(restClientName) != null) { throw new ClientException( ClientException.ErrorType.GENERAL, "A Rest Client with this name is already registered. Please use a different name"); } try { String clientClassName = (String) clientConfig.getProperty(CommonClientConfigKey.ClientClassName); client = (IClient<?, ?>) instantiateInstanceWithClientConfig(clientClassName, clientConfig); boolean initializeNFLoadBalancer = Boolean.parseBoolean(clientConfig.getProperty( CommonClientConfigKey.InitializeNFLoadBalancer, DefaultClientConfigImpl.DEFAULT_ENABLE_LOADBALANCER).toString()); if (initializeNFLoadBalancer) { loadBalancer = registerNamedLoadBalancerFromclientConfig(restClientName, clientConfig); } if (client instanceof AbstractLoadBalancerAwareClient) { ((AbstractLoadBalancerAwareClient) client).setLoadBalancer(loadBalancer); } } catch (Throwable e) { String message = "Unable to InitializeAndAssociateNFLoadBalancer set for RestClient:" + restClientName; logger.warn(message, e); throw new ClientException(ClientException.ErrorType.CONFIGURATION, message, e); } simpleClientMap.put(restClientName, client); Monitors.registerObject("Client_" + restClientName, client); logger.info("Client Registered:" + client.toString()); return client; }
在实例中,使用如下代码创建一个 HTTP 请求,代码如下:
HttpRequest request = HttpRequest.newBuilder().uri("/info").build();
该 HTTP 请求的地址为 “/info”。HttpRequest 是 ribbon-httpclient 提供的 HTTP 通信工具,它将作为 RestClient 发起 HTTP 请求的参数。
在实例中,使用如下代码发起一个 HTTP 请求,代码如下:
HttpResponse response = client.executeWithLoadBalancer(request);
当调用者希望将请求分派给负载均衡器选择的服务器时,应使用 executeWithLoadBalancer() 方法,而不是在请求的 URI 中指定服务器。它通过调用 reconstructURIWithServer(com.netflix.loadbalancer.Server, java.net.URI),然后调用executeWithLoadBalancer(ClientRequest, com.netflix.client.config.IClientConfig) 来计算最终的 URI。
/** * This method should be used when the caller wants to dispatch the request to a server chosen by * the load balancer, instead of specifying the server in the request's URI. * It calculates the final URI by calling {@link #reconstructURIWithServer(com.netflix.loadbalancer.Server, java.net.URI)} * and then calls {@link #executeWithLoadBalancer(ClientRequest, com.netflix.client.config.IClientConfig)}. * * @param request request to be dispatched to a server chosen by the load balancer. The URI can be a partial * URI which does not contain the host name or the protocol. */ public T executeWithLoadBalancer(final S request, final IClientConfig requestConfig) throws ClientException { // 构建 LoadBalancerCommand LoadBalancerCommand<T> command = buildLoadBalancerCommand(request, requestConfig); try { // 创建一个 Observable 对象,一旦订阅了该 Observable,它将与负载均衡器选择的服务器异步执行网络调用。 // 如果 RetryHandler 指示可重试任何错误,则该错误将由函数在内部使用,并且所订阅的 Observer 将不会观 // 察到这些错误返回的 Observable。 // 如果重试次数超过了允许的最大值,则返回的 Observable 将发出最终错误。 // 否则,将发出执行和重试期间的第一个成功结果。 return command.submit( // 为指定的服务提供 rx.Observable // 使用 com.netflix.loadbalancer.reactive.LoadBalancerCommand new ServerOperation<T>() { @Override public Observable<T> call(Server server) { URI finalUri = reconstructURIWithServer(server, request.getUri()); S requestForServer = (S) request.replaceUri(finalUri); try { // 发起请求 // Observable.just() 方法来自 rxjava 框架,它将返回一个 Observable 对象 // rxjava 是一个异步框架,功能和 handler 类似,特点是链式调用,逻辑简单 // execute() 方法执行请求并返回响应。 不会重试,并且直接抛出所有异常。 return Observable.just(AbstractLoadBalancerAwareClient.this.execute(requestForServer, requestConfig)); } catch (Exception e) { return Observable.error(e); } } }) .toBlocking() .single(); } catch (Exception e) { Throwable t = e.getCause(); if (t instanceof ClientException) { throw (ClientException) t; } else { throw new ClientException(e); } } } protected LoadBalancerCommand<T> buildLoadBalancerCommand(final S request, final IClientConfig config) { // 创建 RetryHandler // RetryHandler 是一种处理程序,用于确定异常是否可供负载平衡器检索,以及异常或错误响应是否应被 // 视为与电路相关的故障,以便负载平衡器可以避免此类服务器。 RequestSpecificRetryHandler handler = getRequestSpecificRetryHandler(request, config); // 创建负载均衡器命令 Builder LoadBalancerCommand.Builder<T> builder = LoadBalancerCommand.<T>builder() .withLoadBalancerContext(this) .withRetryHandler(handler) .withLoadBalancerURI(request.getUri()); // 默认情况下什么都不做,子类可以实现它实现自定义 builder customizeLoadBalancerCommandBuilder(request, config, builder); return builder.build(); } protected void customizeLoadBalancerCommandBuilder(final S request, final IClientConfig config, final LoadBalancerCommand.Builder<T> builder) { // do nothing by default, give a chance to its derived class to customize the builder }
注意,LoadBalancerCommand 是一个命令,用于从负载均衡器的执行中生成 Observable 对象。负载均衡器主要负责以下工作:
调用 call(com.netflix.loadbalancer.Server) 方法
如果有的话,调用 ExecutionListener
重试异常,由 com.netflix.client.RetryHandler 控制
向 com.netflix.loadbalancer.LoadBalancerStats 提供反馈
实例最后则是解析调用服务后返回的 HttpResponse 对象。