mc tag 命令用来添加、删除和列出与存储桶或对象关联的标签。语法如下:
C:\>mc tag -h NAME: mc tag - manage tags for bucket and object(s) USAGE: mc tag COMMAND [COMMAND FLAGS | -h] [ARGUMENTS...] COMMANDS: list list tags of a bucket or an object remove remove tags assigned to a bucket or an object set set tags for a bucket and object(s) FLAGS: --config-dir value, -C value path to configuration folder (default: "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\mc") --quiet, -q disable progress bar display --no-color disable color theme --json enable JSON lines formatted output --debug enable debug output --insecure disable SSL certificate verification --help, -h show help
C:\>mc tag list -h NAME: mc tag list - list tags of a bucket or an object USAGE: mc tag list [COMMAND FLAGS] TARGET FLAGS: --version-id value, --vid value list tags of particular object version --rewind value list tags of particular object version at specified time --versions list tags on all versions for an object --config-dir value, -C value path to configuration folder (default: "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\mc") --quiet, -q disable progress bar display --no-color disable color theme --json enable JSON lines formatted output --debug enable debug output --insecure disable SSL certificate verification --help, -h show help DESCRIPTION: List tags assigned to a bucket or an object
D:\server\minio>mc tag list local/images/234281.jpg Name : () k1 : v1 k2 : v2
D:\server\minio> mc tag list --version-id "ieQq7aXsyhlhDt47YURGlrucYY3GxWHa" myminio/testbucket/testobject
C:\> mc tag list --versions --rewind 7d myminio/testbucket/testobject
(4)以 JSON 格式列出分配给对象的标签。
D:\server\minio>mc tag list --json local/images/234281.jpg { "tagset": { "k1": "v1", "k2": "v2" }, "status": "success", "url": "", "versionID": "" }
D:\server\minio>mc tag list local/images Name : () k01 : v01 k02 : v02
(6)以 JSON 格式列出分配给存储桶的标签。
D:\server\minio>mc tag list --json local/images { "tagset": { "k01": "v01", "k02": "v02" }, "status": "success", "url": "", "versionID": "" }
C:\>mc tag remove -h NAME: mc tag remove - remove tags assigned to a bucket or an object USAGE: mc tag remove [COMMAND FLAGS] TARGET FLAGS: --version-id value, --vid value remove tags on a specific object version --rewind value remove tags on an object version at specified time --versions remote tags on multiple versions of an object --config-dir value, -C value path to configuration folder (default: "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\mc") --quiet, -q disable progress bar display --no-color disable color theme --json enable JSON lines formatted output --debug enable debug output --insecure disable SSL certificate verification --help, -h show help DESCRIPTION: Remove tags assigned to a bucket or an object.
C:\> mc tag remove myminio/testbucket/testobject
C:\> mc tag remove --version-id "ieQq7aXsyhlhDt47YURGlrucYY3GxWHa" myminio/testbucket/testobject
C:\> mc tag remove --versions --rewind 7d myminio/testbucket/testobject
D:\server\minio>mc tag remove local/images Tags removed for
C:\>mc tag set NAME: mc tag set - set tags for a bucket and object(s) USAGE: mc tag set [COMMAND FLAGS] TARGET TAGS FLAGS: --version-id value, --vid value set tags on a specific object version --rewind value set tags on a specific object version at specific time --versions set tags on multiple versions for an object --config-dir value, -C value path to configuration folder (default: "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\mc") --quiet, -q disable progress bar display --no-color disable color theme --json enable JSON lines formatted output --debug enable debug output --insecure disable SSL certificate verification --help, -h show help DESCRIPTION: Assign tags to a bucket or an object.
# 列出 images 存储桶中的对象 D:\server\minio>mc ls local/images [2021-07-15 13:22:14 CST] 232KiB 234281.jpg [2021-07-15 13:22:14 CST] 173KiB 234313.jpg [2021-07-15 13:22:14 CST] 274KiB 241623.jpg [2021-07-15 13:22:14 CST] 185KiB 265270.jpg [2021-07-15 13:22:00 CST] 229KiB 294528.jpg [2021-07-17 07:54:10 CST] 0B 20210701\ [2021-07-17 07:54:10 CST] 0B 20210702\ [2021-07-17 07:54:10 CST] 0B 20210713\ [2021-07-17 07:54:10 CST] 0B 300x300\ # 为 234281.jpg 对象添加标签 D:\server\minio>mc tag set local/images/234281.jpg "k1=v1&k2=v2" Tags set for
D:\server\minio> mc tag set --version-id "ieQq7aXsyhlhDt47YURGlrucYY3GxWHa" local/images "key1=value1&key2=value2&key3=value3" Tags set for
D:\server\minio>mc tag set --versions --rewind 1d local/images "k01=v01&k02=v02" Tags set for
# 列出别名为 local 的 MinIO 存储服务中的所有存储桶 D:\server\minio>mc ls local [2021-07-10 08:57:48 CST] 0B files\ [2021-07-03 22:22:23 CST] 0B images\ # 为 images 存储桶添加标签 D:\server\minio>mc tag set local/images "key1=value1&key2=value2" Tags set for